Annual Easter Devotional
in celebration of of our savior jesus christRochester easter devotional
Palm Sunday,
March 24th, 2024
6-7 p.m.
2300 Viola Heights Dr. NE
Rochester, MN 55906
Invite friends and family
Click the button below to access the PDF of the program invitation.
Why do we celebrate?
As the beautiful Easter season approaches, we look forward to celebrate the incredible life of our Savior Jesus Christ and His triumph over sin and death. Through the atonement, our Savior obtained all power necessary to provide each of us with the opportunity for salvation. Each of us can testify of the truth of the reality of Our Lord’s life and resurrection and the hope and healing He brings. He pleads with us to come follow Him, walk in His ways, and to bless those around us.
The devotional will feature scriptures from the last week of Christ’s ministry, as well as from modern prophets and the Book of Mormon, and a variety of musical performances and reflections on Christ’s life, sacrifice, and resurrection. A youth choir composed of youth from local congregations will perform, in addition to small musical ensembles.
LaCrosse Ward Easter Fireside
For members and friends near LaCrosse, we encourage you to attend the LaCrosse Ward Easter Fireside, which will include music and reflections on Christ’s atonement and resurrection. Please bring a dessert to share with others after the fireside. The LaCrosse fireside will also be on Palm Sunday, March 24, at 6 p.m. The LaCrosse ward building is located at 701 Well Street in Onalaska, WI.

A Message from Our Stake Presidency:
In recognition of His resurrection and sacrifice, the Rochester Stake is planning an Easter Devotional on Palm Sunday. This event will be filled with music, a stake choir, and scripture. We invite you and your family and friends to attend this event in-person or virtually together.
With grateful hearts, we look forward to gathering together at this event in the spirit of unity with you as we remember and celebrate the wondrous life of our Savior Jesus Christ during this special time of year.
with great Love & admiration,
Randal Thomas, Michael Kendrick, & Darren Calley
Resources & Reflections
- Follow Christ’s example and serve others—Just Serve
- Christ Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains (President Nelson, General Conference April 2021)
- The Greatest Easter Story Ever Told (Elder Gary E. Stevenson, General Conference April 2023)
- Holy Week
The Savior’s Last Week in Mortality
The events of the Savior’s life leading up to His Crucifixion and after His Resurrection can teach us a lot about His love for us.
I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.