Follow the Stake President – by John Ferrara

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Stake Conference, 26 April 1998, Sunday Session

I want to express my love for President Krueger (Stake President) and President Spackman (1st Counselor) and let them know how much I love and appreciate them and what a privilege it is to spend time with them. As second counselor, I want you to know that President Krueger is directed by our Father in Heaven. He loves the Lord and wants to be in alignment with Him, to do the right thing. He loves the members of the stake and those within our boundaries, and desires that each and every one of us do those things that will bring us in alignment with our Father in Heaven and our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

I have not yet learned to see as far as President Krueger sees. He has vision. He sees those things that if we follow will help us in our alignment. Just when I think I can see what he sees, he will share his feelings with us, what he thinks we should be doing next. And my first reaction is still, “Wow! How are we going to do that?” And yet, people DO that; it’s the right thing to do, and many hearts are being changed. We all should follow the counsel of our stake president.


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