May 16, 2010

I wish to extend my love and support to Brother Barrett, and my own confirmation of his new calling as Stake Patriarch. He will serve well our Heavenly Father and His children in this Stake of Zion. I love and support President Foote, and I thank him for the generous time and privilege given to me to address you. He has asked me to speak about sacrifice and obedience and loving God and the blessings which these practices bring forth from Heaven. He has kindly suggested I might do this through reminiscing on a few personal experiences over 38 years of living in this remarkable place. I hope in my new “non-functioning” capacity I can adequately do this.  My heart is so full of gratitude and love today that I seek earnestly to “function” sufficiently well to give adequate expression to my feelings.

First, I am reminded of Mark Twain’s comment to a congregation of his peers on one occasion when he said – “Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” So it seems that reports of our moving have also been exaggerated – or at least misunderstood.  We are moving, but slowly!  We have begun a transition – a gradual move that will soon accelerate such that we will be away more than here, but still afford us for a while many opportunities to be in Rochester with our friends.

I begin with a favorite scripture, found at the beginning of what is sometimes referred to as the Psalm of Nephi – found in the 4th chapter of 2nd Nephi, verse 16:  “Behold my soul delighteth in the things of the Lord, and my heart pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard.” Remembering the things of the Lord – His Gospel, His love, His people. Have you ever wondered how long it takes a priesthood leader to forget?  All I know is that for me, it takes only a few hours for negative experiences to fade into oblivion, while 38 years is not long enough to dim the memory of positive church experiences and events, of spiritual change and growth, of numerous examples of faith and obedience and sacrifice that bring forth the blessings of heaven. It is not hard to remember the quiet service of souls filled with true charity, of patience and faith without murmuring, of some who go through deep suffering and adversity without bitterness, and of the gentle grace and serenity by which such trials are endured – a process of personal sanctification while yet in mortality.  Such saints seem to live the old Swedish Proverb, “Those who wish to sing, always find a song.”  So, as Nephi of old, here are some marvelous things that I have seen and heard – things of the Lord that delight my soul and which I continue to ponder in my heart…                                                                                 

Seen – region grow from small district to a mighty stake, through sacrifice and obedience

Heard – thousands of prayers uttered; prayers of gratitude and prayers of humble petitions

Seen – these prayers answered a thousand fold – new chapels, a stake center, a temple, healing

Seen – hundreds of pictures of temples in homes, in the rooms of youth, too

Heard – expressions of hope, purpose, love and peace by strong families devoted to the gospel

Seen – 3 generations of royal youth grow up magnificently to take place in the church, in the world

Heard – of their (youth) accomplishments – successful missions, marriages, callings, professions

Seen – adversity come to good people, sometimes overwhelming, numbing adversity

Seen – the majesty of their response as they ministered to others even in their personal suffering

Heard – utterances of amazement and conversion of those touched by such Christ-like examples 

Seen – the influence of kind and gentle souls, peacemakers & healers, upon the poor & needy

Heard – humble thanks of the beneficiaries of this kindness and gentility, help from givers unknown

Seen – the inspiring, reassuring, empowering, far reaching influence of an apostolic blessing

I wish to elaborate on a few of these marvelous things that I have seen and heard—

I have observed Christ-like charity expressed beyond measure – the sufferer and pained ministering to others who try with great anguish and difficulty to comfort them.

I have observed the special sacrifice of missionaries and blessings poured upon them.

I have been moved by the obedient response to “improbable” callings by those who seemed to have every right to coast for a while – some in their golden years – e.g., called to serve in the new Hmong Branch – sacrifice the comfort and joy of being with friends in their own ward, but “we can do that.”  

I have witnessed firsthand the royalty of youth. What preparation, promise and potential! “If thou couldest in vision see the person God meant, you could never more be the person thou art, content.”  What extraordinary Patriarchal blessings they have received. The future of the church is secure!

I have seen, heard and been influenced by noble women – and have come to understand better, but not perfectly, their divine nature, purpose and high station in Heavenly Father’s sight. My regard has been greatly enhanced by temple teachings and patriarchal blessings, but mostly by the serene character of the remarkable women in this stake. Women of great faith, obedience, sacrifice. What a privilege to be in their presence & tutored by them. Role models yes, but much more. I resonate with what Elder Dallin Oaks once said – “What do women in the Church want? –to be valued, sincerely and openly – for their individual righteousness and talents, not just for their role conformity.”  

I have developed High Regard for my priesthood brethren – shared discipleship & brotherhood.  Now, I hope you will indulge me to become a bit personal and share a few reflections on experiences I have had with you as a member of this Stake of Zion. I believe these exemplify the principle of blessings poured out from heaven on the obedient & faithful & long suffering.  These personal experiences have taught me that obedience and sacrifice help us learn and understand many things that otherwise we could not possess. Patience is one of them – waiting on the Lord. I love the scripture in Luke 21:19, “In your patience possess ye your souls.” Once in a while we learn best through heartache. You know, as scientists we can track the movements of far away stars and planets, we can predict hurricanes and prevent disease, we can peer into the life cycle of a single cell, identify each strand of DNA and even re-engineer genes to a certain extent- but some things – some very important things – are beyond the dissecting lens of science–an aching heart for one – a painful longing that comes for one lost, for true love, for renewed joy, for lasting peace, for the Savior.  This is a type of suffering or aching that teaches and sanctifies as no other way can – a bitter-sweet pain at times, to which only the spirit ministers, and from which only the spirit can learn.

My spiritual education in this great Stake of Zion can be divided into 4 distinct periods.  I wish to refer to them with gratitude and with the desire that the associated experiences, almost always involving many of you, either one at a time or many at a time, will be instructive and edifying:

  1. Early Years (1972-1978) – started in a small chapel – somewhat inactive, but my home teacher saw beyond my apathy, became my friend, and took me fishing (“fishing is my valium”).  He became a savior. Who would ever have believed that such an act of obedience in his calling as a home teacher would lead to his friend being called a bishop, a stake president, a stake patriarch?  Still amazing to me!  So a bit of advice to you home teachers and visiting teachers – take families “fishing” – you cannot imagine the rich blessings in store!
  2. Bishop Years (1979-1985) – Utter surprise and force of the call – THE turning point in my life – Lord reached into my chest and turned on my heart – opened my eyes and the rusted water ducts therein (never cried before, hardly stopped since). I learned how to love all in a ward, even before I knew them! But ohhh how I came to know them! I saw love and obedience and sacrifice I never knew could exist. Jordan River Temple – sacrifices of vacations, Christmas, savings, many widow’s mites! I saw the gentility and wisdom of the elderly, the magnificent promise of youth, & much more!
  3. Stake President Years (1986-1996) – humbling call – start of a remarkable defining journey – Love extended to all in a stake, not just a ward.  One highlight was the visit of Elder Neal Maxwell in 1989. He graced our home by staying with us, blessed our ailing Patriarch (Mark Anderson), and blessed the entire stake by an apostolic blessing. It is still in effect! We remember most the transcendent spirit, but some of the words remain impressed upon us – sweet home; children return; spirit of meekness; greater constancy of purpose; sweet boldness in missionary work; love, unity and peace among us; stake a refuge to the poor in spirit. His tears hallowed our pulpit forever! Stake growth was almost immediate, e.g., that same year the stake presidency was impressed to organize the small Fairmont branch as a missionary branch.  We set apart every member as a branch missionary, along with their other callings! The branch had had no convert baptisms for 4 years. After becoming a missionary branch there were 13 convert baptisms in one year, several reactivations, and qualification for a phase 1 building! Our Stake Center was built in 1991 in recognition of over 50 years of member sacrifices here. One of the greatest priesthood privileges I have had was to dedicate this building. I love this hallowed place. I loved Stake Conferences and Stake Priesthood Meetings. I remember one year, we had a desire to increase Aaronic Priesthood attendance, so I used a dubious “trick.” I began reading a Patrick McManus (humorist) story at each meeting- clean humor for boys. My idea was to get them their first with a fun story from which I could extract a specific priesthood/gospel principle to teach. Attendance increased significantly – half were boys! They hoped stories would continue, but told me they would still come if they did not. Success!
  4. Patriarch years (1997-2010)  the calling of a lifetime for a lifetime – not lonely, but alone – I observed the stake becoming one, one-by-one. The calling is the most humbling and richest learning of eternal truths in all my experience – I have come to know the true spirit of revelation (D&C 8:2 – “Yea, behold I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart.”). I have been privileged to see the divinity and individual greatness in so many stake members. I am a constant witness of God’s love for them!

In all, I have been privileged to see the hand of God benevolently blessing our stake, and I have heard the voice of the Lord directing us, one by one and all as one, and surely I have heard the sweet voice of the Holy Ghost confirming that obedience and sacrifice bring forth the blessings of heaven.

The aggregate influence on a particular one (me) by so many together (you) for so long (38 years)  has left me literally incapable of “moving” away in the spiritual sense, from this garden in Zion. Between our remarkable church family here and our beautiful family of children and grandchildren in Utah, my wife and I are as if under the pull of two great magnets, neither of which we try to resist. Our solution for now is to split time between both families, our church family in Minnesota and our flesh and blood family in Utah. As I wind down my professional  work here, and our children wind up their call on us there – we will eventually, of course, move completely to the home in Utah where our children and grandchildren are. (That may be short-lived if we are called on a mission, as we hope). But even then, when we are physically away from here for good, I assure you we will be here in spirit, in memory, in love – bound to this place for the rest of our mortal lives by the sweat, blood, and tears we have shed and shared with you here – bound by the sweet remembering of shared discipleship and noble examples we have been privileged to know. Yes, sometimes this remembering will be bitter-sweet, even heart aching in longing for the Rochester Stake family we love – but we would have it no other way – we want to miss you! We feel reassured of eventual reunion by the knowledge of eternal gospel truths, that there is a binding much stronger than our tears and heartaches: it is the binding of God’s plan of happiness for us all, His children, to be with Him again, by the bestowal upon us of everlasting covenants and ordinances in the temple that assures we will be family forever. My wife and I honor and thank all of you for the compelling legacy of our time in Rochester – we love you.

Now there is one who stands out, of course, that you and I must recognize and thank in this shared discipleship and somewhat bittersweet experience. A former patriarch in our stake characterized my wife Shanna as having “enduring good cheer.” Those of you who really know her understand how accurate and meaningful that characterization is. She is always inclined to be joyful, to be positive, to be fun, helpful, serving, indeed to be cheerful – that is just her. And she is remarkably, amazingly constant in this attitude of good cheer – I can testify she is like that everywhere she is. I state without reservation or doubt, that her enduring good cheer is the basis and gets credit for anything I may have been able to accomplish personally, professionally and in the church since marrying her 45 years ago. She also gets credit that our children are well adjusted and of good cheer, faithful, active and securely sealed by those everlasting temple ordinances to which I just alluded. And she receives credit that our 11 grandchildren are happy and cheerful and full of fun and promise. The only credit I can really take is that I knew enough to ask  her to marry me. I am so fortunate and grateful she said yes. The phrase “enduring well to the end” is our final covenant – Shanna will, I have no doubt, continue to endure well to the end. She demonstrated this potential by enduring 17 consecutive years managing our children alone in the church pews – the rest of mortality seems easy by comparison! She will endure not only in good cheer but also in obedience and sacrifice and in loving God, in keeping commandments and covenants, suffering silently and well, and loving all of our extended family – including you. I will hold fast to her coattails. I want to share the celestial glory that I am certain will be her reward. I honor her, I cherish her, I love her deeply, eternally, with a time-honed bond that cannot be broken. On a recent wedding anniversary card she presented to me, only 3 words stood stark alone in the middle of the card – not “I love you” as you might think – she knew I knew that – but rather simply this – “I still promise…”  I tell her today that “I still promise” too.

I close with my testimony of the Savior, Jesus Christ.  He is at the center of my world, of my personal aching and longing. He lives. He is the only begotten Son of God in the flesh, sent to earth to draw God’s Children to Him – to teach, to love, to sacrifice, to be resurrected. I testify that He is and did all of these things. How grateful I am for His greatest of all sacrifices, His atoning death and the infinite reach of His grace – the ultimate example of sacrifice that brings forth the richest and highest of heaven’s blessings.

I testify that He is coming again to the earth, this time as Lord of Lords, King of Kings, with final healing in His wings. I anticipate when He comes that He will call us forth as Lazarus, by name, one by one. We will hear His clear distinct voice, know it, and rise to meet Him in our own perfect resurrection. As precious as it will be to hear again His voice, to see again His face, to feel again His embrace, just imagine how joyous, how infinitely wonderful it is going to be to live in His presence forever, even throughout all eternity!

I must confess that as I grow older I become more envious of those blessed to be in His personal presence, and I ache for that experience. This longing has intensified in my calling as stake patriarch, as I stand witness time and again to eternal truths revealed from on high, including that we were once with Jehovah in the pre-existence, individually & collectively adoring Him as Elder Brother. As I stand conduit in these remarkable blessings, I also witness that He is coming again to the earth to be with us, and we will greet Him on that glorious bright morning of the First Resurrection, even “sealed up” to greet Him. That is a promise that will not be broken! Our spiritual longing and zealous anticipation to be with him again will be fulfilled, all tears wiped away, our immortal resurrected souls embraced by Him, our faithfulness and good works commended by Him and with His tender mercy and infinite love we will be received by Him in supernal joy. What a reunion that will be!

Then we will work by His side for a millennium of wonderful, peaceful, joyous years to help prepare God’s kingdom – its mansions and palaces and celestial domains – for the inheritance of His beloved righteous children. Then we will spend life eternal in Heavenly Father’s presence forever, and may I add, with aching longing, in the royal presence of our serene Heavenly Mother, with the Savior, with our loved ones, to enjoy eternal increase in family, eternal increase in experience, eternal increase in joy!  So it will be, to inherit all that our Father has.

It is true…it is all true….I so testify in the precious name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


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