My Testimony – by Patrick Vander Kelen

All Member Stories, Conversion/Missionary Work

Stake Conference, 15 November 1998, Sunday Session

He was baptized in May, 1998. This is his conversion story.

I investigated the church for two to three years. I decided not to go to college, but to travel in Europe first. In Europe, I kept meeting LDS missionaries. I ran out of money in Austria. I stopped at McDonald’s after going to the bank. I saw two suits and their name tags. We talked. They invited me to attend General Conference that evening, the first session. I saw someone at church who was familiar. It was Elder Larson, a member of the church here (in the States), a friend I knew. As I sat there watching President Hinckley, I knew there was something special about him, about the church. I turned to Elder Larson and told him I wanted to be a part of this. He bore his testimony about how much the church meant to him. I have no words for what it means to me. The missionaries were open, ready to share their feelings, let me know that I was loved, welcomed into their arms and homes. My future goals include going on a mission for myself. I’d like to give back some of what has been given to me. 


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