On Being the Patriarch of the Stake – by Wayne Barrett

All Member Stories, Callings/Leadership, The Spirit/Promptings

2012: Wayne Barrett, the stake patriarch, spoke at a conference: This 16th Street building brings back a lot of memories. It was 28 years ago when my wife and I (and two children) moved to Rochester. At that time it was the original Rochester Ward. Over the years, as the ward boundaries have changed, we’ve been a part of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th wards. It has now been about a year and a half since I was called as the stake patriarch [he was called on 16 May 2010]. Even though at the time it seemed like a daunting task, an impossible task, I have come to really love my calling and the spirit that attends this work. It is a very sobering calling as I realize that I need to prepare myself to receive a personal revelation for each individual who comes to my home for a blessing. I’ve learned that as I humble myself, the Lord blesses me greatly, in spite of my weaknesses. Recently, I was looking in the publication: “A History of the Rochester Minnesota Stake” (compiled by Veryl Firl, 1995) to learn who has served as patriarch since our stake was organized. James Parry was the first patriarch, and he served for a total of 13 years. Mark Anderson was next called, but he only served for a little less than one year, his service being cut short due to a chronic illness that beset him. Ed Peterson served as patriarch for about 5 years. And most recently, Richard Robb served as patriarch for 14 years, during which time he gave approximately 600 blessings.


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