Patriarchal Blessing – Tyler Christensen

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A spiritual experience that strengthened my testimony is the time I received my Patriarchal Blessing. I received it from my Grandfather on November 27th, 2011. My grandparents drove up from Missouri for Thanksgiving. I remember it well.

I know I can’t share my Patriarchal Blessing, but I can share how it made me feel. A month or so previously, I had felt a sudden desire to get my Patriarchal Blessing. Right before, I had some butterflies; but once it started, all I felt was awe, amazement, and comfort. I don’t know if other Patriarchs do this, but Grandpa did; before he began, he said a prayer, then Mom, then Dad, then me – asking for what we wanted the blessing to contain – questions that needed answers. By this point, I freely admit I was crying – tears flowing down my face.

Afterwards, it took half a box of Kleenex to clean myself up. I hugged everyone – my parents and grandparents. I knew that that blessing wasn’t softened by the fact that the Patriarch was my Grandpa. I knew it was from Heavenly Father.  I knew that that blessing was scripture that I needed. I know He loves me.


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