Tithing – by G. Brent Forsgren

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I learned to pay tithing through the teachings of my wonderful parents, who wanted me to do right. That teaching was greatly boosted, however, when I served a mission from 1958-1960 in what was then called The North Central States Mission. It was a large mission that took in all of Minnesota, the eastern half of the Dakotas, all of Manitoba Canada, and part of Ontario Canada.

The lesson on tithing came while I was serving in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Elder Wilson was my companion, and he was giving a lesson on tithing to a very impoverished widow who was earning barely enough to live on. She insisted that she just could not afford to pay tithing. Elder Wilson assured her that she would be blessed if she showed her faith by paying her tithing. Then he said something that has stuck with me all these years. He gently said, “You know Sister —, people who don’t pay their tithing really don’t trust the Lord.”  What an impact that statement had on me! I do not recall what effect it had on that sister, but the impact on me was tremendous! Of all people whom we should trust, certainly the Lord should be at the top of the list!

I have a firm testimony of the blessings that come through paying tithing. I have been blessed beyond my ability to comprehend, even to the point that I consider those blessings miracles! I don’t expect others to be blessed the same way I have been for paying tithing fully and honestly, but I can assure them that they can trust the Lord; that He will bless them far beyond what they can see now if they will just demonstrate their faith and trust in Him.


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